BARKIN/SELISSEN PROJECT celebrates passionate, heartfelt performance and stimulating artistic collaboration. We are grateful for the dedicated support that makes these performances and our creative process possible.

To Contribute by Check:

  1. Make the check out to
    Foundation for Independent Artists, Inc.

  2. Write “FIA #8 B/SP” in the memo line.

  3. Mail check to:
    159 E 103rd Street #4F New York, NY 10029

Consider Making a Recurring Donation

Click the button below to set up recurring, monthly donations to B/S P!

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Your contribution helps make everything possible!

With your tax-deductible gift, B/S P will be able to continue investing in and enhancing its vital work within the community. Contributions provide support for all our operations as a company and the continued development of meaningful new projects and collaborations.

Assistance comes in all forms!  Email about volunteering or in-kind contributions.

BARKIN/SELISSEN PROJECT is fiscally sponsored by the Foundation for Independent Artists, Inc., a non-profit organization administered by Pentacle (DanceWorks, Inc). Pentacle is a non-profit management support organization for the performing arts. Mara Greenberg, Director, 75 Broad St., Suite 304, New York, NY 10004. 212.278.8111.